Jezik / Language

Ustanova Toma Križnarja
Turistična 4
4202 Naklo

Ustanova, ki jo je ustanovil Tomo Križnar s podporniki, producira dokumentarne filme in knjige, ki imajo cilj pridobiti zavest človeštva o pomenu zaščite staroselskih ljudstev na področij v vojnah tujih interesov za nadzor naravnih virov.


Prosimo donirajte za produkcijo novega dokumentarnega filma o razmerah v najteže dostopnih gorah Kauniaro.


    SI56 0400 1004 8620 172






Humanitarna ustanova H.O.P.E.

Letališka cesta 29
1000 Ljubljana

Donacije za kamere in internet
   SI56 6100 0000 1846 742

Koda namena: CHAR
Namen: Internet in kamere 

Ustanovo je po vrnitvi iz Darfurja ustanovil Klemen Mihelič s podporniki. Namen ustanove je zbiranje prispevkov za video nadzor konfliktnih območij v obliki miniaturnih video kamer, mini prenosnikov in satelitskih anten za internet. 

Obe ustanovi tesno sodelujeta. 

Klemen Mihelič predstavlja miniaturne kamere ženskam v taborišču na čadsko-sudanski meji

Celoten film
Eyes and Ears of God
na YouTube

Report from Eyes and Ears team - Nuba mountains, Sudan

February 18, 2012 - 8:00am
Sudan Armed Forces (SAF) in Toroji attacked the SPLM-N in the village of Angolo. Many more Nuba civilians are displaced. SPLM-N repelled the attack and still control the region of Angolo. The SAF soldiers returned to Toroji. The fear is that SAF is trying to control the road from Nuba to Yida. In which case IDPs would not have the ability to access Yida refugee camp.

February 18, 2012 - 2:00am
6 - 300mm Rockets hit the village of UmSerdeba and a 7th Rocket hit east of UmSerdeba in an unknown location. One of the rockets that hit inside the village of UmSerdeba exploded near the house of a family from the area. The Rocket killed the father, his three daughters and his son. The mother and the another child was badly injured. The local market was closed because of the rocket attack.

February 17, 2012 - 5:00pm
Antonov Bombed the village of Angolo. Four women were wounded. One woman had a bad lung injury. The SPLM-N drove the wounded women 6 hours on a rough road to the only surgeon in the region. It is my fear that the woman with the lung injury did not make the drive alive. No SPLM-N soldiers were wounded or killed in this bombing. Only civilians were injured.

February 17, 2012 - 2:30am
Three 300mm Rockets launched by Sudan Armed Forces exploded just East of the village of Tabanya. So far no injuries or deaths.

February 15, 2012 - Morning
Sudan Armed Forces set up an ambush on the Nuba/Yida Road. The first vehicle to pass the ambush was a small mini buss carrying civilians. The civilians were brutally killed. One of the civilians was killed by the SAF by cutting his throat. SPLA heard of the attack on the mini bus and responded. SPLA pushed the SAF troops out and cleared the road.


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