Dear all,
I will host two guests during the plenary session next week, Mr Suleiman Jammous from Darfur/Sudan and Mr Tomo Križnar from Slovenia. Both have a very deep knowledge about and personal experience with the conflict in Darfur and also wider Sudan-related human rights issues.
Mr Jammous is the humanitarian coordinator within the JEM resistance group (Justice and Equality Movement) in Darfur. He has been campaigning for justice in Darfur and other regions of Sudan since the 1960s. Recently, Mr Jammous Jamous was also a JEM delegate to the Darfur peace talks in Doha, Qatar.
Mr Križnar is a Slovenian independent publisher, documentary film maker and humanitarian activist involved in Sudan since 1979. He is best known for his campaigns for the Nuba people in Central Sudan, which gained international attention and helped to stop the extermination of those indigenious people. Since 2006 KriĹľnar has been promoting the suffering of Darfur civilians in the worldwide media and also co-authored the award winning documentary Dar Fur – War for Water about the roots of the conflicts that are destroying the social fabrics of Darfur and the Sahel at large.
During their current trip to Europe, Mr Jammous Mr Križnar would like to update MEPs about post-election situation in Sudan as well as the state of humanitarian catastrophy in Darfur. I find both very inspiring and well-informed, thus believing they could bring added value to our knowledge on the situation in Sudan.
I would be delighted if you could join me for a an exchange of views with both guests on Tuesday 18.05.2010 at 10:00 in Strasbourg, room LOW S3.5.
My office remains at your disposal for further information,
Best, Ivo