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Ustanova Toma Križnarja
Turistična 4
4202 Naklo

Ustanova, ki jo je ustanovil Tomo Križnar s podporniki, producira dokumentarne filme in knjige, ki imajo cilj pridobiti zavest človeštva o pomenu zaščite staroselskih ljudstev na področij v vojnah tujih interesov za nadzor naravnih virov.


Prosimo donirajte za produkcijo novega dokumentarnega filma o razmerah v najteže dostopnih gorah Kauniaro.


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Humanitarna ustanova H.O.P.E.

Letališka cesta 29
1000 Ljubljana

Donacije za kamere in internet
   SI56 6100 0000 1846 742

Koda namena: CHAR
Namen: Internet in kamere 

Ustanovo je po vrnitvi iz Darfurja ustanovil Klemen Mihelič s podporniki. Namen ustanove je zbiranje prispevkov za video nadzor konfliktnih območij v obliki miniaturnih video kamer, mini prenosnikov in satelitskih anten za internet. 

Obe ustanovi tesno sodelujeta. 

Klemen Mihelič predstavlja miniaturne kamere ženskam v taborišču na čadsko-sudanski meji

Celoten film
Eyes and Ears of God
na YouTube

Poročilo in prizori iz bolnice, 29. junij 2011

Quiet today. Only one disturbance by MiG. Bombs hit dry river bed near Kauda. Farmers immidiately disappeared from fields and went up in the mountains among great granite blocks. Villages empty, markets empty, no vegetables, no fruit - only a couple of lemons.

Is this first peaceful day a result of negotiated frame of a peace agreement yesterday in Addis Ababa?

"Nobody over here is expressing any trust in negotiations with government."

"We do not trust them after all they have done to us. They are just using another trick now - to exterminate us from our land."

"There will be no changes in Sudan until this government goes!"

Oil in this country of oil is already a problem. Generators are running less and less time. Cars are more and more rarely moving around.

Feeling we are entering life under siege from the last war 1986 - 2001.

Everybody over here fears hunger.

See my documentaries "Nuba, pure people" and "Nuba, voices from the other side" (2000 and 2001)

Below some photos of the victims in hospital who survived bombardment on Kurchi last Sunday. They said they have been just fetching water from the bore hole. And enjoying market day. When ...

I feel privileged to meet foreigner, who did not obey and leave his patients when everybody was leaving. It is still time to go. "But I know I will regret if I leave ..." he said.

Tomo Kriznar, Gidel, Nubske gore


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